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Category: ODC Services

What’s next in IT outsourcing? 6 trends to watch

As more companies consider service providers as an extension of their own enterprise, an increasing number are choosing to outsource business functions to trusted partners, especially when it comes to information technology. Here are six trends that will come to the forefront over the coming year, including a growing emphasis on partnerships and a heightened

What Analytics & IT Outsourcing engagement model is right for you?

Analytics & IT Outsourcing should be a strategic partnership, not a simple hand-off of duties to a third-party. Getting that right requires smart preparation. Implemented correctly, strategic partnerships are a happy collaboration where expectations of delivery and results are clear from the start. By bringing in outside minds, it’s possible to innovate and drive your

10 early warning signs of IT outsourcing disaster

There are a number of reasons why IT outsourcing engagements fail — from unrealistic expectations and lack of governance to misaligned interests and poor communication. Sometimes the problems lie with the IT service provider; other times, the customer is at fault. In most cases, the two parties each share some of the blame. However, there